Olá gente,a receita de hoje é para aquele lanche de final de tarde que todo mundo adora.Então chama a criançada para ajudar e vamos fazer pastel frito com recheio de carne moída.
Vamos começar preparando o recheio.
Vamos começar preparando o recheio.
Hello people, today's recipe is for one late afternoon snack that all adora.Então world calls the children to help and we will make fried pastry with ground beef filling.
Let's start preparing the filling.
Receita do recheio de carne moída com batata
carne bovina moída
1 batata média cozida em cubinhos
Azeitonas verdes picadinhas a
Azeite ou óleo para refogar
Alho amassado, cebola ralada, sal
e pimenta do reino a gosto
Meat stuffing recipe with ground potato
ground beef
1 medium potato cooked diced
Olives finely chopped greens to taste
Oil or oil to sauté
Crushed garlic, grated onion, salt and pepper to taste
ground beef
1 medium potato cooked diced
Olives finely chopped greens to taste
Oil or oil to sauté
Crushed garlic, grated onion, salt and pepper to taste
Modo de Preparo:
Prepare a batata e a cenoura
cortando em cubinhos e cozinhando em água fervente e reserve. Em uma panela, em
fogo baixo, coloque o azeite (ou óleo) o alho e a cebola e deixe dourar um
pouco. Acrescente a carne moída e refogue mexendo sempre. Tempere com o sal e a
pimenta do reino e, se achar necessário, coloque um pouco de água. Tampe a
panela e deixe cozinhar por alguns minutos (aproximadamente 7 minutos). Depois acrescente a
batata,e a azeitona. Mexa bem e assim que o excesso de água secar
desligue o fogo.
How to prepare:
Prepare potatoes and carrots cut into cubes and cook in boiling water and set aside. In a saucepan, over low heat, place the olive oil (or oil) the garlic and onion and let it brown a little. Add the ground beef and cook stirring constantly. Season with salt and black pepper and, if felt necessary, add a little water. Cover the pan and cook for a few minutes (about 7 minutes). Then add the potatoes, and olive. Stir well and so the excess water to dry remove from heat.
Prepare potatoes and carrots cut into cubes and cook in boiling water and set aside. In a saucepan, over low heat, place the olive oil (or oil) the garlic and onion and let it brown a little. Add the ground beef and cook stirring constantly. Season with salt and black pepper and, if felt necessary, add a little water. Cover the pan and cook for a few minutes (about 7 minutes). Then add the potatoes, and olive. Stir well and so the excess water to dry remove from heat.
Receita da Massa de Pastel Frito
2 xícaras (chá) de farinha de
1 colher (chá) de sal
2 colheres (sopa) de óleo
1 colher (sopa) de vinagre branco
1/2 xícara (chá) de água morna
(ir colocando aos poucos até dar o ponto)
Óleo quente para fritar.
Recipe Pastel Mass Fried
2 cups (tea) of wheat flour
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
2 tablespoons (soup) of oil
1 tablespoon (soup) of white vinegar
1/2 cup (tea) of warm water (go slowly putting even get the point)
Hot oil for frying
Recipe Pastel Mass Fried
2 cups (tea) of wheat flour
1 teaspoon (tsp) salt
2 tablespoons (soup) of oil
1 tablespoon (soup) of white vinegar
1/2 cup (tea) of warm water (go slowly putting even get the point)
Hot oil for frying
Modo de Preparo:
Em uma vasilha, misture a farinha
de trigo e o sal. Acrescente o óleo e o vinagre e continue misturando. Adicione
a água aos poucos até dar ponto na massa. A massa não pode ficar grudenta senão
fica ruim de abrir. Em uma superfície lisa, abra a massa com o rolo ou, se você
tiver aqueles cilindros de macarrão, abra com o cilindro. Abra a massa bem
fininha. Corte no formato desejado (eu utilizei um copo grande e cortei em
círculos), coloque o recheio, feche e passe o garfo na beira do pastel para não
abrir. Frite em óleo quente e deixe escorrendo em papel toalha.
Esta prontinho o seu pastel delicioso.
How to prepare:
In a bowl, mix the flour and the salt. Add the oil and vinegar and continue mixing. Add water gradually to give point in the mass. The mass may not be sticky but is bad opening. On a flat surface, roll the dough with the rolling pin or if you have those noodles cylinders, open the roller. Open the very thin dough. Cut in the desired format (I used a large glass and cut in circles), put the stuffing, close and pass the fork in pastel border not to open. Fry in hot oil and let dripping on paper towels.
This ready made its delicious pastel.
How to prepare:
In a bowl, mix the flour and the salt. Add the oil and vinegar and continue mixing. Add water gradually to give point in the mass. The mass may not be sticky but is bad opening. On a flat surface, roll the dough with the rolling pin or if you have those noodles cylinders, open the roller. Open the very thin dough. Cut in the desired format (I used a large glass and cut in circles), put the stuffing, close and pass the fork in pastel border not to open. Fry in hot oil and let dripping on paper towels.
This ready made its delicious pastel.
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